EHT et al. v FCC

01/26/2021 4:37 PM | Anonymous

There was a very interesting hearing in federal court yesterday before the U.S. District Court of Appeals. In EHT et al. v FCC, USCA Case No. 20-1025, plaintiffs (Environmental Health Trust, and others) seek to vacate and update an FCC Order addressing RF emissions (FCC Order 19-126) because the FCC did not properly consider the evidence before it while making RF radiation limits. The FCC RF radiation limits were set in 1996, and only take into account thermal effects of RF radiation and do not consider non-thermal biological effects. There were great questions from the bench, and its seems the judges are likely to rule against the FCC. Here’s a link to the hearing, and it’s about 60 minutes long (the court originally planned for only 10 minutes each side). If you listen, you will hear classic back-pedaling by a federal agency attorney … this is great stuff. I am very optimistic for a favorable ruling by the court - 

EHT has also been kind enough to publish a few articles about Pensacola in their web-site. 

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