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NRDA Trustee Implementation Group Releases Proposed $62M Florida Restoration Plan for Public Comment

02/24/2021 9:01 PM | Anonymous

Published Feb 23, 2021

The Florida Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Trustee Implementation Group released its Draft Restoration Plan II and Environmental Assessment, including 11 projects within Escambia County and adjacent localities. NRDA invites the public to comment on the full suite of 19 restoration projects through Mar. 29.

A public webinar will be held Mar. 11 at 4 p.m. CST. Those seeking to attend can register with this link.

"This is an opportunity for our local community to get involved with the welfare of our wildlife, beaches and local natural resources," said Matt Posner,  senior advisor of Pensacola & Perdido Bays Estuary Program and Natural Resources Management Department RESTORE program manager. "We encourage the public to reach out and share their support or feedback about the projects that directly impact their community."

The draft plan seeks to award $62M in funding to directly benefit residents, visitors and natural resources across the state of Florida. The plan's current draft allocates more than $43M to Escambia County and its surrounding localities. The plan proposes projects for restoring natural resources and services adversely impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The local proposed projects are included in the chart below.

Follow this link to learn more and review the plan. The public can provide feedback by submitting comments onlineduring a public webinar or by mail via the following address.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 29649 Atlanta, GA 30345

Project Name

Lead Implementor

Grant Amount

Engineering and Design for Pensacola Beach Park West Fishing Pier and Access Improvements

Escambia County


Pensacola Beach Fort Pickens Road Wildlife Lighting Retrofits

Escambia County


Johnson Beach Access Management and Habitat Protection

Department of Interior (DOI)


Perdido Key Sediment Placement



Baars Park and Sander Beach Kayak Fishing Trail Access

City of Pensacola


Pensacola Community Maritime Park Public Fishing Marina

City of Pensacola


Florida Artificial Reef Creation and Restoration (Gulf-wide)

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)


Florida Shorebird and Seabird Stewardship and Habitat Management (Gulf-wide)



Reducing Threats to Sea Turtles through Removal of In-water Marine Debris (Gulf-wide)



Increased Observers and Outreach to Reduce Incidental Hooking of Sea Turtles (Gulf-wide)



Florida Marine Mammal Stranding Network (Gulf-wide)



Gulf Breeze Parks Boating and Fishing Access Upgrades

City of Gulf Breeze


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